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Demonstration Of Our Penetrating and Cutting Turbo Nozzle Assemblies

Note the first video shows an old style competitor’s nozzle in action trying to penetrate a blockage as a comparison.

Demo 1A: Example Of How An Old Style Competitor’s Nozzle Does Not Penetrate A Blockage

Demo 1B: The Same Blockage Penetrated In Seconds With A C38rs Turbo Nozzle

Direct Hit’s new product just released on the market. Direct Hit nozzles and accessories are specially designed to clear tree roots and blast through blockages in sewer and stormwater lines and drains. Watch how our sewer nozzles and accessories cut through a block of 19 mm pine wood in under 7 secs. Imagine what it would do to sewer blockages – the fastest, easiest and most economical way to clear a drain.

Demo 2: Our New C38rs Nozzle Assembly

Demo 3: In Action Direct Hit Sewer Nozzle With 3 Side Jets

Demo 4: Our New C43rs Nozzle Assembly

Demo 5: The DC38 Nozzle Assembly

Demo 6: The DC43 Nozzle Assembly

Demo 7: The Problem With Old Style Nozzles